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What is


Hypnosis is a natural state of mind where the mind is relaxed and focused inward...not always  on something  specific or a particular subject, but rather, freeing the mind to lead.   You likely achieve hypnosis without even realizing it. Have you driven your car and arrived at your destination without knowing how you got there? That is often referred to as highway hypnosis.  Perhaps you are reading and so caught up in the story, you don't even realize someone is speaking to you.  Concentrating so much you lose awareness of the external happenings around you, that is also a hypnotic state. In other words, hypnosis is what occurs when you stop analyzing and thinking purposefully, allowing yourself to let go and connect with your inner self at the subconscious level, and ultimately connecting more and more with the Super-Conscious level, which is the Spirit/Creator/God connection.

How Does

Hyponotherapy Help?

Our subconcious mind is hard at work for us 24 hours each day, and has been from our beginning.  It is tasked to balance and run our bodily functions, even as we sleep.  It stores every experience we've had through memory, and it is the foundation of our belief system, which has worked to help us make sense of the world around us and keep us safe.  However, sometimes the information we took in earlier in our lives or through a traumatic experience was incorrect or caused us to create opinions or ideas about ourselves or the world that were not true or may need updating with more relevant information.  Through hypnosis, we have an opportunity to identify some of these experiences or analyze invalid information to create a new, more positive framework from which we experience life.  When you change your mind, you have truly do hold the power to change your just about anything.

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