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And be not conformed to this world,but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...

                 Romans 12:2

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General Practice Hypnotherapy

  Early in our young lives, our minds are like sponges, absorbing everything - but without having the experience or analytic ability to filter fact from fiction or assess its relevance for our lives.  We go about building a framework of beliefs  from which we will  reference...often long into adulthood.  While we learned many useful pieces of information meant to civilize us and keep us safe, we also often stored information that was either untrue, or perhaps irrelevant later in our lives as adults.  Without even realizing it, some of these beliefs can limit our potential and happiness, creating bad habits or fears, low self esteem, negatively impacting our relationships, or cause a host of other issues.  In hypnosis, we can identify these limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind, understand and process their origins and impacts, and introduce new, encouraging ideas.  Whatever your mind can see, your body works to achieve.  


Medical Support Hypnotherapy

   Our health is the sum total of multiple parts of our lifestyle.  While seeing our medical professional is important in staying healthy, it is not where it begins, nor ends.  Our health is determined primarily by the quality  of our lives mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually...from the food we eat, to the stresses we endure, to the support systems we have in place, to the negative self talk we impress upon ourselves each day...all of these things impact our health substantially.  Through hypnosis, we can help reprogram our emotional settings deep in the subconsious mind, where healing pathways that may have once been blocked can be opened. The mind can also assist in managing pain and speeding recovery. In healing, a positive outlook and hope are paramount.  I work as part of a team, in close relationship with my client and their medical professionals... to help foster the healing that begins from within.


Connecting with

Past Life Energy

   There are many theories when it comes to understanding past lives.  Some believe the spirit reincarnates throughout time inhabiting different bodies, living multiple lives.  Other theories, which I believe, consider more of an energetic connection with souls and their experiences from the past. When we are shown experiences that seem to have relevance for us in this life, sometimes an issue that seems to be strangely troublesome to us can sometimes be processed through the understanding we can gain with this energy revealing information  related to a particular block to our own spiritual energy, perhaps helping to clear an issue of which we were not even aware.  It can be quite remarkable how much we can alter our perceptions in this life from reviewing the past or perhaps allowing God to relate other experiences to our own so that we may gain understanding and clear our emotional pain.


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